Tuesday 24 November 2009

drop focus (systems and processes)

The drop focus technique is where, in an image, there is a narrow band of focus with the rest of the shot dropping out of focus. It creates a well-defined focal point for the photograph, drawing the eye to a specific area.

I have used this technique myself many times in the past few years but i think this is one of my best examples.

The focal point for this image isn't where you would expect it to be (on the blood droplet) but on the top lip, drawing the eye to the textures created on it, the shape of the lip and finally leading towards the bottom lip and the blood spilling from it. The narrow band of focus was achieved by using a macro lens on its widest aperture (F2.8) Its created a slightly abstract feel to the picture having the focal point placed where it is, to the point where many people have been unable to actually 'see' what it is, even with detailed description of the contents!

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