Tuesday 24 November 2009

adjusting white balance (systems and processes)

White Balance is a tricky thing for most new photographers (and their cameras!). Different kinds of light have different temperatures, which causes your camera to see them in different colours.

this chart (from http://www.freestylephoto.biz/camerakh.php ) shows the colour temperature of different lights and the sun at different times of the day.

The effects of different light can be mimicked in Lightroom using the white balance selector. This selector also has a drop-down menu with preset temperatures in to quickly correct the white balance of your photographs, as you can see below.

Below is an example of an image with a cool white balance, and the position of the slider in relation to it.

Below is the same image with a warm white balance, and again, the position of the slider in relation to it.

its a very easy thing to do, and adjusting the white balance can make for some creative images.

Here are my 3 images with different white balances applied to them: Cool, Grey Balanced and Warm.

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