Saturday 5 December 2009


the theme for our photo project this week is 'treasure' and i decided, instead of thinking of treasure as a physical thing, something we possess, and more on the emotional aspect of it.

my baby son, ethan, takes his afternoon naps at home in our arms. it creates a couple of hours of peaceful solitude and closeness, but it wont be long before he stops doing it altogether. Here, on a quiet, overcast, sunday morning he was asleep on his daddy. i took several shots (2 of which can be seen in my gallery) but decided on this one-the emphasis being on his tiny little hand and the depth of field created by making this the focal point i.e. having his hand in focus and his face not.

i bleached the colours out slightly to create a more serene atmosphere, and decided not to do anything about the grain created by the high iso as i feel it adds something to the picture.

if i have to be brutally honest, thinking about this photo in such in-depth terms has made me feel quite sad :( hes a boisterous 15 month old now and i know how quickly these little moments disappear. I treasure them.

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